
BEWARE of the Wolf in Sheeps Clothing

Every wise woman should read this book, and every mother give it to her daughter.

Nurse Erin Thibaut was dedicated to her profession and not considering a relationship when she met then fell in love with her pursuer Dr. James Brennan.
This story will open your eyes to the deception and lies some people exert to manipulate another. Erin is innocently led into a web of falsehood with seduction that almost destroys her sanity. She discovers the doctor who enticed her with a romantic delusion is already married, and she is unwillingly now, his other woman.
What can she do?
Who can she confide in for answers?
Where can she turn for help?
Should the law be involved?
She must escape and hide, but where?

Foreword By
Author, Speaker, Psychologist
Bozena Zawisz BA. MA. P/C
I had the privilege of glimpsing the talent and heart of Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey, and I feel thrilled about her latest masterpiece, “She refused to be The Other Woman.”
Domestic violence and abuse continue to be much too familiar in our society, and Sr Crystal’s fictional story offers a much-needed warning signal about entering dangerous romantic liaisons. As always, the gift of Sr Crystal Lindsey’s writing oozes with romance, suspense, and deep faith with wisdom that springs forth from her rich professional and life experience.

ATTENTION … Insight for would be victims..

Rating: 5 out of 5.

My New Book Given 5 STAR ratings so far.

A TOP United States reviewer wrote this:

Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars Magnificent writing!

Reviewed in the United States on February 20, 2022

Verified Purchase

What a magnificently powerful story in She refused to be His Other Woman by Crystal Mary Lindsey. I am a big fan of this author! This is a grand story that has a lot of sub plots, including deception and manipulation, and a real-life feel of domestic violence. I am very fond of this author’s work, and this story just hits all the notes of suspense, romance, and even forbidden love and the sense of not knowing who to trust. Erin may have had obstacles in her life, and was a dedicated nurse, and we thank her for that, but she was strong, even if she didn’t know it. It is not stupidity to be manipulated or deceived, or because the wrong person was trusted. We can’t always help who we fall in love with, but we can do what is right for ourselves, even if it is forcing ourselves to fall out of love (if possible). Heartbreak doesn’t have an expiration date, and neither does physical and emotional pain. It’s one of those embraceable stories. It’s definitely un-put-downable! A definite attention grabber, so much I couldn’t put it down. The thrills and intrigue is written clearly, and the characterizations are engrossing. I just love, love, love this story. Simply awe-inspiring. Every woman, no, everyone should read this book. It’s so close to real-life, it may be able to help others in similar situations. She refused to be His Other Woman is a definite recommendation by Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading many more books by this author.

Cheating and lies.

Read what happened to one young woman who was hooked and trusted .

Every wise woman should read this book, and every mother give it to her daughter.

Nurse Erin Thibaut was dedicated to her profession and not considering a relationship when she met then fell in love with her pursuer Dr. James Brennan.
This story will open your eyes to the deception and lies some people exert to manipulate another. Erin is innocently led into a web of falsehood with seduction that almost destroys her sanity. She discovers the doctor who enticed her with a romantic delusion is already married, and she is unwillingly now, his other woman.

The exciting Tennessee Smoky Mountains

Living in South East Tennessee I could see the smoky Mountains from my home wIndows. They stretched out in rolling waves, seemingly forever. The beauty would take my breath away.

I wrote this story when deliberating the secrets this glorious panorama must hold.

The Mystery Healer of Smoky Mountain.

Who is the MYSTERY Healer concealed in the Great Smokey Mountains of East Tennessee? Why does he need to keep his identity a secret?


Marni Granger is a young woman who lives at the base of the mountain. As a child, falling against a hot cooking pot, she burns the side of her face.
Being teased at school and later stared at as an adult, Marni remains isolated away from society with her grandfather. Her one friend is a half wolf dog, rescued by her as a pup. Marni would like a life similar to other young women, yet she can never see this happening.
Heading off to the base of the mountains to pick berries, she wanders up and becomes lost in the dark. Her pet disappears after she falls asleep. Marni is terrified and cries out to the Lord for help.
A mysterious woman in white calls her name then leads her to a large cabin on the plateau. Here she will meet a handsome man and the hidden surgeon who performs reconstruction operations, disallowed in 1885.


Yasmin finds THE WAY is the story of a young woman disillusioned with her life.

Yasmin seeks a career and love.

Would Yasmin’s HIDDEN DREAMS come TRUE?
Will her new life become better, or will it end in complete disappointment?

It was not easy for Yasmin growing up in a restricted culture that differed from the western country where she lived. What made it even harder was a stepmother who ridiculed, scorned, and abused her.
After completing her University studies and now a qualified registered nurse, it was time for Yasmin to PLAN her ESCAPE. To run away and DISAPPEAR from her restricted upbringingwith the religious ENFORCED implications.
She plans every detail carefully and well in advance. There must be no mistakes as her life could depend on it.

Yasmin TAKES-OFF very early one morning before her family are awake. Her destination is a city on the opposite side of her vast Australian continent. A new life is waiting. One that she hopes spells freedom, love, happiness, and friendships.
Who is the handsome E.R. doctor she meets that takes an interest in her?

Yasmin has heard about JESUS but has never understood or taken an interest in knowing more. Will she discover there is one who will never leave her nor forsake her?
Instead, will she be hunted down, found, and punished for running away from her past?
Read this story to find out about Yasmin’s many surprises. What awaits this innocent young woman?

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Star rating 69%



Actually, Covid has been around for a LOOOONG Time.

I worked in the E.R. when the SARS VIRUS (2002) was contagious. Both COVID-19 and SARS are caused by Coronaviruses.

The Media don’t like for people to know the truth.. BUT, the truth sets us free.

Covid-19 is a BAD type of flu, nothing more, and it can be healed.

As a now retired Health professional, here is what I do. 

1. Buy and use, EUCALYPTUS OIL in an infuser to breath and clear toxins from your lungs. Its easy to buy and cheap.

2. Use a PARACETAMOL (fever) 4 hourly on the dot, as per directed for the quantity daily. (No More) READ INFORMATION!!                                ** ALWAYS take the dose prescribed on the box and ALWAYS after some food! * That’s important for your liver.

3. Buy and drink Schweppes TONIC WATER, about 4 glasses of this a day. It contains QUININE. Drink 4-6 average glasses per day.

4. Take ZINC tablets or Capsules… They pick up the immune system.

5. Get out in the SUNSHINE and FRESH AIR on and off throughout the day. 

6. If coughing a lot, sleep sitting up (recliner chair is great) to drain the lungs.

7. With all chest/lung problems, NEVER breath cold air. It constricts the airways and makes it worse. Stay inside when the weather is bad. If days are sunny, then go outside but back inside when cool air falls. 

My advice is Cheap and easy. God made our bodies to heal themselves.  



Free from Illness

Corona is in the news all the time.. Yet there are SAFE ways to help yourself at home without going to hospital.

THE SECRET IS to help yourself and/or your loved one, BEFORE, the illness gets a headway.

Here is how.. The first portal of entry into the body for lung infections, is via the throat through the nose and the mouth. So, if your throat begins to tickle, go to the pharmacy and buy a good (double ingredient) antiseptic and anesthetic throat lozenger to suck on. You can even do this IF you have begun to cough.

If the cough goes down to your chest, then using a diffuser, with water and about 1/2 a small teaspoon of EUCALYPUTUS, breath in the steam. Eucalyptus kills toxins. It STOPS the bacteria from exacerbating further.

In the U.S. buy from Wal Mart, Wal Greens, or On-line.

Keep out of the reach of children.. Store UP HIGH.

Don’t lay down to sleep, but rather, sleep and rest in a recliner chair. Keeping the chest elevated, drains the lungs. That’s why in hospitals you will see a patient in the semi-recumbent position.

Take a PARACETEMOL if there is a fever, to reduce it. Also, take, 1,000 mg Vitamin C. Zinc and Vitamin D 3 tablets to strengthen the immune system. Then drink Schweppes TONIC WATER, about four glasses a day. This tonic water contains Quinine, in a low dose.. and it is good against Corona. However, please read the information of understanding in the LINK below. There are contra indications.

Rest elevated and get WELL.

Books to Inspire. To improve faith and the Outlook on Life..

I love to read, having grownup at a time when we couldn’t afford television or similar entertainment.

Reading became the way to experience the unknown world and still is for me. It is education and learning.

Much can influence our outlook on life, either for the good or for the bad by what we allow into our thoughts.. For this reason, I read to improve my understanding and my faith, with compassion and love.

Following retirement as a Health Professional and all of the continual medical research and reading, that I still participate, I chose to now write and share. My books give inspiration and encouragement, through Christian romance. Most of my received reviews are good and two of my books have received Reader Favorite Awards.. with 5 STAR reviews.

The book shown here is priced at only $0.99 on Kindle and has 5 5STAR ratings.. Take a look.

Christian Inspirational Book Ministry

Be Content.

Wherever you are in life, is where God wants you to be.

To complain is the say to God, that He has made a mistake.

God makes NO mistakes… and everything works out for our good in the long run.

I am 74 years old, and now confined to my home through ill health. BUT, God is in control. I serve Him better now than I ever have.

Praise His Name Forever.
